There once was a squirrel named Rocky, Who grew up ever so Cocky, She sat up on her fence and twittered so neatly, Thought her words and her prose wove ever so sweetly.

She looked down from her tree, And saw with dismay, That others were copying Her verbal bouquet.

Unsure what to do, the Cocky squirrel cried, “Stop it now, or your end will be nigh!!”

The dogs and the frogs and foxes galore, Looked up and laughed at the squirrel’s uproar, To which the squirrel cried “no more!” And made throwing acorns her chore.

But Rocky the Cocky squirrel didn’t know, That a Cocky Cock lived just next door. The Cocky Cock strutted and crowed, “YOU DON’T OWN THE RIGHTS, SO KNOCK IT OFF!!!”

But Rocky didn’t know about the Cocky Cock And didn’t know how easily her tree could rock, She tried to call her clan to block, But found all their doors were under lock.

The Cocky Cock crowed and threw rocks quite Cockily, As Rocky’s Cocky tree rocked like a bucked-off jockey, And while gawky Cocky Rocky screamed squawkily, She didn’t see coming the hungry hawky.

Cocky Rocky disappeared ever so Cockily, And left nothing behind but a not-hungry hawkily, The Cocky Cock next door looked on not shockily.

Cocky Cocky Cock Cock Cockily.